elle's study blog

英語学習用(自己満ブログ₍ᐢ.ˬ.ᐡ₎ .ᐟ)

“Feed your brain”🕰6 Minute English

doughnut : ドーナツ suger rush : 糖分による興奮、甘い物を食べた時の興奮(多福感) excitement : 興奮していること alter : 変える、変更する mammal : 哺乳類 leafy greens : 緑の野菜 chuck : 投げる、締める intelligent : 知的、理にかなった cost a…

"The Story behind coffee"🕰️6 Minute English

youtu.be skinny latte : 低脂肪のラテ flat white : スチームミルクたっぷりのエスプレッソドリンク statement : 声明 treck : 旅行する margin : 余白 plantation : 農園 The market for the world's most popular drink has come a long way since the in…

"How the language of menus matters"🕰️6 Minute English

youtu.be ️確認したい単語たち poetic : 詩的な haute : <フランス語で>高い、高級な、格調の高い tempting : 魅惑的な gourment : 食通、美食家、グルメ tendecy : 傾向 pretentious : 大袈裟な、勿体ぶった、派手な classically : 古典的に sarcastic : …

"Our love of pets" 🕰️6 Minute English

youtu.be ✔️ introverted : 内向的な celebrated : 名高い、有名な raven : カラス steadfastness : 確固たる意志強さ manly : 男らしい parrot : オウム fit the bill : 必要条件を満たす admire : 関心する It's said that your personality is reflected …

I found my ideal bar...?🍸💜

Alcohol has many kinds of flavors. For example, they are beer, cocktail, wine, sake, and so on. If you find a liqueur bar which specializes in your best favorite flavor, do you want to go? I introduce a compelling bar. It's a very rare bec…


youtu.be 新出単語 trickle : 増やすことのできる小さい物の総計 captives : 人や動物を捕えること tipping point : 突然さらに悪くさせることが起きる危険な時 確認したい単語たち species : (動植物分類上の)種、種類 extinction : 絶滅 endanger : 〜を危…


youtu.be ✈️確認したい単語たち jail : 刑務所 adjective : 形容詞 plural : 複数の muscle : 筋肉 cliff : 崖 jump out of : 〜から飛び降りる、飛び出す cover up : 包み隠す、隠す walk out : 出ていく、退席する sentence(動) : 〜に判決を言い渡す ️新…


youtu.be 確認したい単語たち come with~: 〜付いている clown: おどけ者、ひょうきん者、道化師 obesity: 肥満 ridiculous: ばかげた、おかしい 新出単語 labelled: 特定の方法で述べられること tackle: 〜を対処する slapping: 緊急で取り付けること The j…


youtu.be 確認したい単語たち fellow: 仲間、同僚 pave way: 〜のために道を開く、〜を容易にする no one else: 他の誰一人として〜しない 新出単語 laid foundation: 何か可能性を作ること maveric: 他の誰一人として〜しない spurred: 発生を奨励すること …


youtu.be 確認したい単語たち emission: 放射、排出 chopping: chop(斧やナタなどでぶち切る)の現在分詞 context: 文脈 carbon: 炭素 新出単語 ①shelves: 今すぐやめること ②axes: 完全にやめること ③backtracks: 進行をやめること ☝︎ 全部'stop'関連! Le…


youtu.be 確認したい単語たち compose: 作曲する phrasal verb: 句動詞 unfit: 不適な、病的な read out: 読み上げる antie: おばちゃん(叔母・伯母の愛称) green policy: 環境保護政策 please【動】:喜ばせる 新出単語 ①taking up: 新しい活動を始めるこ…

The Making Of Harry Potter ⚯͛💫

Recently, I went to Warner Bros. Studio Tour Tokyo - The Making Of Harry Potter. It was opened in this june and the first attraction in Asian countries. To surprisingly, it was very close from my flat. I wanted to visit there definitly. Bu…


youtu.be plant-based: 植物由来の at least not: 少なくともそうではない cordon blur: コルドン・ブルー(肉を薄く叩き、ハムやチーズで包み油であげた肉のカツレツ) warship: 軍艦 cannon: 大砲 prefex: 接頭辞 Plant-based food can no longer have mea…


youtu.be pump:ポンプ、ポンプを吸い上げること inflammation:炎症 blood vessels:血管 cardiac:心臓の New research suggests laughter can make our heart stronger. The study revealed that Ewing shown TV comedies increased the amount of oxygen…

Let’s learn Swedish!! 🇸🇪

My recent hobby is to learn Swedish by playing Duolingo. It has passed about 10 days since I started to learn Swedish. To learn Swedish in Duolingo is not so much study as game for me. There is no reason why I would like to learn Swedish. …


Sea ice the size of Greenland is missing. This and collapsing ice shelves are just some of the problems Antarctica is facing due to climate change. Scientists have met this week to discuss how important the Southern Ocean is to the health …


Eight healthy habits in middle age may increase your life by more than twenty years. The eight healthy habits are doing regular exercise, having a healthy diet, positive social relationships and a regular sleep routine, and avoiding stress…


confusion: a situation in which people do not understand what is happening, what they should do or who someone or something is asthma: a medical condition that makes breathing difficult by causing the air passages to become narrow or block…


このブログは主にBBC learning English News Reviewの内容と英語の日記を書いていますが、 ブログに入力する前に、1度ルーズリーフに下書きをしています。そして、その下書きのルーズリーフを捨ずに、リングファイルへ保管していました。 最近リングファイル…


cyclone:a storm or system of winds that rotates about a center of low atmospheric pressure Hotter weather has never been recorded. The UN says the first week of July had the highest average global temperature ever measured. This could occ…

Why is HARBS so popular?

HARBS is a cafe which has a lot of locations in Japan and New York. It’s very popular. Because there are so many people when I always see the cafe. The store’s Cake is popular and quite big. If you buy a piece of cake, it costs about one t…


rainforest:熱帯雨林 surge:急増 norminalisation:名詞化 carbon dioxide:二酸化炭素 soar:上昇する ruine:破滅 Despite government promising to stop destroying rainforests just two years ago, more tropical rainforest was lost in 2022 than i…

「あなたは嫉妬深い?」6 Minute English

Jealousy occurs when you fear you’ll lose your partner to someone or something else. Humans have struggled with jealousy for thousand of years. “Green-eyed monster” is often used to personify jealousy. It comes from a speech in one of Will…

「保護猫&犬カフェに行ってきました₍ᐢ ´•͈ ·̫ •͈` ᐢ₎🐾」

My favorite things are cats, fragrance, and coffee. I really love cats. Every cat is so pretty and my healing. My parents have four cats, and so does my grandmother. I have lived with cats, so I periodically go to a cat cafe. I introduce ‘…


obesity:肥満 Our brain get smaller as we get older, but this doesn’t happen as fast in people who take regular short sleeps during the day. That’s according to new study. Researchers suggest that these naps might reduce the risk of develo…


expectancy:期待、予想、予期(期待されるもの)、(統計の)予測値 offensive:屈辱的、イライラさせる、不快な、攻撃的な According to a new study into expectancy by the University of Georgia, Human alive today could live to 140. The researcher…


flavanol フラバノール harmful 有害な infection 感染 sprit 生命、核 What you eat could improve your memory as age. According to new research in the US, people with a diet rich in flavonols might be less likely to lose their memory. The subs…

A journey to find a new perfume .。.:*・゜

It’s been very hot recently. My best fragrance is Tom Ford ‘Soleil Neige’, but. It’s for autumn and winter. So I can’t use it for summer, and I must explore a new fragrance. I went to Officine Universelle Buly. Buly was born in Paris in 18…


Kyoutu.be tutor:家庭教師、〈米〉(大学の)準講師、〈英〉(大学の)個人指導教員 relearn:学び直す cheeky:生意気な The law changed hat we don’t need to wear a mask. But many people don’t like uncover their face. So recently the program which r…

Disneyland Part2 -Enchanted Tale of Beauty and the Beast-

Do you know the castle? This is a castle which appears in “Beauty and the Beast”. As far as I know, this castle is only in Japan. So there is not in other countries. Beauty and the Beast’s area was opened a few years ago, so I’d never visi…