elle's study blog

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"The Story behind coffee"🕰️6 Minute English



skinny latte : 低脂肪のラテ

flat white : スチームミルクたっぷりのエスプレッソドリンク

statement : 声明

treck : 旅行する

margin : 余白

plantation : 農園

The market for the world's most popular drink has come a long way since the inception of instant coffee, when we just added boiling water to some brown powder. Afeter that came the giants like Starbucks or Costsa Coffee who made coffee drinking trendy and a lifestlyle statement. People shoudn't forget what lies beheind the coffee we enjoy everybody because it's a hugely complicated business as it's the second biggest commodity in the world, after oil. So the price of coffee is changing everyday, every houe even. And the farmers in countries like Ethiopia, Costa Rica or Brazil are dependent on the deals that are made in commodity markets thousands of miles from their farms. It makes them extremely valunerable.

Food journalist Sheila Dillon explains the impact of coffee markets on local growers. What happens in the coffee market makes waves around the globe. "Makes waves" means 'have a big effect'. Entire national economies depend on the price of coffee. It's the key to whether individual farmers can have enough in come to live comfortably.

Now, the price of coffee has gone up quickly in recent years. The profit margin for coffee may amongst the highest in the world, so we can't see what all the fuss is about. Everyone benefits all depends on how the profits are distributed. There are countless transactions between the grower and the drinker. A grower can have a good crop, but the amount he makes stays the same, or can even fall. We can expect most of the profits go to the commodity traders and very little to the individual growers of the bean. It sounds like the growers have no control. That's what happens in other agricultural sectors. But some people are trying to distribute the profits more widely and they have been having some success. Some small- scale projects where the company takes change of the whole process from field to shop. These organisations tend to farm organically. This is very 'labour intensive'- that means a lot of people are employed - and it creates a lot of jobs for people the local company. In this way, they are not victims of market fluctuations.

Leo Virmani, who runs a small plantation like this in Costa Rica, explains the grower's profit. For their plantation, the approach they have is to go through every stop of the way or process, so that they grow it, pick it, and process it in the mill. Then eventually they'll roast it, package it, and sell it as small plantation they are. And that would allow them to stay, or be profitable at the end of the day.

It's good to know that small growers can live reasonably comfortably, despite what the world markets are doing. The next time when I grab a takeway coffee, I'll try to remember all the politics involved in the production process.






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