elle's study blog

英語学習用(自己満ブログ₍ᐢ.ˬ.ᐡ₎ .ᐟ)



youtu.be obesity 肥満 diabate 糖尿病 heart disease 心臓病 thinnner 薄い assume 思い込む、引き受ける (be) short for 〜の略である higher blood 高血圧症 New study shows that caffeine links to reduce obesity, two diabetes and heart disease. …


youtu.be federal 連邦政府 Joe Biden promised no more oil drilling before he became US president. But now he approved a major project to drill oil in Alaska. Backing: It means support. Joe Biden supports oil drilling, but the activists don’…

「香りの力」6 Minute English

youtu.be deliberately 故意に ordonant 臭い trigger きっかけ、引き金 catalyst 誘因 revive 復活する mossy 苔むした put across 上手く伝える mess with (感情を)弄ぶ give off 出す、発する recap 要約する aftershave 髭剃りの後の The scent of pow…

Starbucks Sakura Menu 🌸💗💕

Starbucks has a lot of seasonal menu. My favorite seasonal menu is the Sakura. Especially I love Sakura late. It tastes like strawberry milk. It is very delicious. The Sakura menu started from February 15, but I’ve already had it three tim…


youtu.be crime 罪、大罪 ban 禁止する context 文脈、背景 Afghanistan’s universities are reopened this week. While men gradually resume to go to school, women in Afghanistan can’t be allowed under Taliban. This is one of the restrictions for…