elle's study blog

英語学習用(自己満ブログ₍ᐢ.ˬ.ᐡ₎ .ᐟ)





emission: 放射、排出

chopping: chop(斧やナタなどでぶち切る)の現在分詞

context: 文脈

carbon: 炭素



①shelves: 今すぐやめること

②axes: 完全にやめること

③backtracks: 進行をやめること

☝︎ 全部'stop'関連!


Lego have stopped a plan to make their toy bricks more environmentally friendly. The Danish company say it's because changing to recycled doesn't actually reduce carbon emissions. Around 80% of Lego bricks are curenntly made from an oil-based plastic. The toy maker say it's 'fully commited' to making it's bricks from sustainable materials by 2032.



1, Lego Group shelves plans to make bricks from recycled PET

When you shelve something, as a verb, you put it on a shelf. Normally because you don't need it at that point. But shelves here in this headline is metaphorical, and it just means to leave it for now. So this headline is saying that Lego are leaving their plans to make recycled bricks. They'll stop working on it for now. They'll shelve it. And we can use the word shelve used with plans like 'project' or 'idea'. For example, a company might shelve an expensive project because they are running out of money.


2, Lego axes plan to make bricks from recycled bottels

I have an axe. It's this thing that I use for choppping down trees. There is a connection between that axe and the 'axes' in the headline. The axe, the pysical tool that you used ia a noun, but in the headline 'axea' is averb. The tree was standingg untill you axed it. Then it was on the gronund. In this headline, it's an environmantally- friendlly plan but it has been axed, so the plan is gone. So chopping down the tree was a literal action, but stopping bricks plan is metaphrocal. There was no axe, no physical axe, involved.

And also 'axe' is commonly used when jobs or services are reduced. For example, a company might be cancelled if it's not popular any more.


3, Lego Backtracks on Plan to Use Recycled Plastic for Bricks

Backtracks contain the word 'tracks'. Train run along tracks and they move forward. So they make progress. If a plan is on track, it means it's going well. But when 'back' is added to 'track', it changes going back metaphorically, and it's not progressing and moving forwards. Now Lego have stopped their plan so they're not moving forward it. They're backtracking.