elle's study blog

英語学習用(自己満ブログ₍ᐢ.ˬ.ᐡ₎ .ᐟ)





compose: 作曲する

phrasal verb: 句動詞

unfit: 不適な、病的な

read out: 読み上げる

antie: おばちゃん(叔母・伯母の愛称)

green policy: 環境保護政策




①taking up: 新しい活動を始めること

②the equation: ややこしい状況

③do better:パフォーマンスを改善すること




According to a new study which found that maths test scores increased after musical activity. This includes singing, playing instruments, composing and just listening. Researchers say music makes more enjoyable and reduce fear and anxiety.


1, Want to be better at mathematics? Try taking up music

This headline is sugguesting that if you want to improve your mathematics, you should take up music. Take up is the phrasal verb which has a lot of meanings. Here it means to start something new like a hobby or an activity. So the headline is saying take up music, meaning start doing a music - related activity, which will help you with your maths.


2, Adding music to the equation leds to better math scores for kids

This headline explains that music is good for improving children's ability at mathematics. The equation in this headline doesn't meaan that kind of complex mathematical thing, and it just means a complex situation. And it's complicated for a lot of people and by adding music to an extra element to an already complex situation. And we can think of some other examples that aren't related to maths. For example, dealing with climate change is a complex equation for goverments because they want businesses to be happy, but they also have to follow green policies. And if you're starting a business, you want to make as much money as you can. You also want to really please your customers so you need the right amount of staff. That's a difficult equation to work out.


3, Children Do Much Better in Math When Music is Added to the Lesson; New Study

Do better means improve your performance. This headline is saying that children will do better - improve at maths- if they do some kind of music which are related activity. I introduce other examples. I support a football team, which is really bad - in the lowest division of English football. They could 'do better'. They could improve. We also can use this to talk about someone's health. So my antie wasn't very well, but noe she's doing better -she's improving. We should mention that in the headline it's do much better. You can also say 'do a lot better' or 'do significantly better'.