snuck into : 潜入する、潜り込む(snuckはsneakの過去形)
directive : 指令
retrieve : 回収する、取り戻す
poison pill : 敵対買収防衛策の一つ(乗っ取り防止策)
slip A into B : BにAを入れ込む
devour : 貪り食う、がっつり食べる
contested : 論争中
freezer coil : 冷凍庫コイル
freeze to : 凍りつく
foil : 失敗させる
CIA : 米国中央情報局
satiate : 十分に満足させる、飽き飽きさせる
craving : 切望、熱望
Mughal India : ムガル帝国(Mughal Empire)
Tang dynasty : 唐(中国)
elite : 選ばれた者、エリート
wealthy : 裕福な、金持ち
Mediterranean : 地中海の、地中海の人
nobility : 貴族
trek : 旅行する(徒歩では遠い距離)
harvest : 取り入れる
glacial : 氷のような、冷たい、氷のように冷たい
shallow : 浅い
utilize : 利用する、役立たせる
radiate : 放出する
ambient temperature : 周囲温度
middle ages : 中世
pinecone : 松かさ、松ぼっくり
eggplant : ナス
historian : 歴史家
dub : 〜と称する
Neapolitan : ナポリタン、ナポリの<イタリア🇮🇹>
set sail : 出帆する
American soil : アメリカの地
masses : 庶民
patent : 〜の特許を取る
obstacle : 障害、邪魔するもの
store : 保管する
turmoil : 騒ぎ、騒動、反乱
take up +名詞 : (仕事・趣味などを)はじめる、〜に従事する
roughly : 荒く、ざっと
penny : ペニー、1セント銅貨
druggist : 薬剤師
therapeutic : 健康上の、健康に役立つ
saloon : (かつて西部の)酒場、バー、(ホテルなどの)大広間
reinvent : 新たに作成して作り直す、存在を蘇らせる
brewery : (ビールの)醸造所
pivot : 中心で回転する行為
refrigeration : 冷却、れいとう、(食料の)冷蔵
quart : (主に米国で用いられる)0.946ℓ
thaw : 雪が溶ける
Ice cream has held a unique role in our world's history, culture, and cravings. But where did it come from? How is the history of ice cream?
The first accounts of cold desserts and iced drinks date back as early as the first century. In ancient Rome, Mughal India, and Tang dynasty China, these icy treats were mainly enjoyed by the royal elites. But the means to freeze delicious was arduous. Wealthy Mediterranean nobility sent laborers to trek up high mountains to harvest glacial ice and snow. Meanwhile, ancient Persians built shallow insulated pools of water. At night, the shallow pools would naturally radiate heat into the dry desert skies because they were dipped below the ambient temperature and freeze.That's called sky cooling.
The cream-based treat we know today was originally inspired by sherbet, or sharbat in Arabic, an icy drink believed to have originated in Persia, and subsequently gained popularity in the Middle Ages. European travelers brought sharbat recipes home, and began creating their favorite ingredients. In 1692, Antonio Latini, a Neapolitan chef, recorded a recipe for a unique milk-based version, which some historians dub the first ice cream.
In the 18th century, ice cream was expanded from Europe to North America. Due to quite laborious and the expensive expenditure of its main ingredients, it was for only the upper classes to enjoy eating ice cream. But as investors and entrepreneurs. began to engineer ways to bring the frozen dessert to the masses, people could make it easier for any home cook and store.
Soon, ice cream was on every street corner. In the late 1880, Italian immigrants took up jobs which vendors selling licks of ice cream for roughly a penny each in cities like London, Glasgow, and New York. Meanwhile, American druggists discovered the appeal of combing soda, a drink thought to have therapeutic properties at the time, with ice cream, and a new social spot was born: the soda fountain. When the sale of alcohol was banned in 1920, many American saloons reivented themselves as soda fountains.
At the same time, refrigeration technology was imploving rapidly. By the end of World War Ⅱ, the average American home had a freezer that could house a quart of ice cream.
Today, ice cream continues to take on new forms. Absolutely, our love for ice cream will never thaw.
The history of ice cream was very longer than I'd expected. Having started to expamd from Persia, ice cream grew up rapidly in North America. Ice cream which I see in supermarkets or cafes may be mainly originated from America. And also Japan has a forzen dessert called Kaigouri, which also continue to take on new forms. I'll enjoy a cold desserts!