elle's study blog

英語学習用(自己満ブログ₍ᐢ.ˬ.ᐡ₎ .ᐟ)

"Our love of pets" 🕰️6 Minute English




introverted : 内向的な

celebrated : 名高い、有名な

raven : カラス

steadfastness : 確固たる意志強さ

manly : 男らしい

parrot : オウム

fit the bill : 必要条件を満たす

admire : 関心する


It's said that your personality is reflected in your pet-an animal that you keep in your home as a compassion and treat kindly. Dog people are supposed to be friendly, enthusiastic and loyal, whears cat people are introverted, proud and sensitive. In addition to the other animals, the British are well known as a nation of animal lovers. In the UK, 52% of owners describe their pet as their best friend and in 2021, 18 milion homes had at least one pet, which means there were more households with a pet than without.

Our relationship with pets has continually changed throuthout history. In the 1800, people started using the word pet to describe the emotional connection they felt to a special animal and gradually it became normal to keep pets indoors. As people got richer, they had more moneys to spend on luxury items, inckuding pets. On a very pratical level, living standarts which are known as 'the standard of living', are gradually increasing across that period, and it becomes more possible to keep pets if you have more disposable income. 'Disposable income' is that the money left over to spend on things you want, after paying tax and other living expenses.

In the Victorian era, pets included new and exotic animals such as tigers, lions, monkeys and elephants. Even the famous Victorian writer, Charles Dicken, owned a raven. It was the Victorians who firstly described Britain as a nation of dog lovers. In the Victorian era, dogs were very much the top pet, and you can see that the values that were often associated with dogs. Dog's qualities like loyality, trustfulness, steadfasteness were perfectly celebrated by the Victorians as key parts of the Victorian manly character, so dogs realrry fitted the bill. The Victorians admired qualities associated with dogs, qualities like -self confidence and loyality- being strong and unchaging in support of your friends. While dogs were considered strongly and manly, cats were feminie and weak. So for the Victorians, dogs really fitted the bill, an ideom meaning they were suitable for a particular purpose.

Nowdays, we see cats using Instagram or dogs on TikTok. It may be strange new development, but because British's relationship with pets really has changed over the years.