elle's study blog

英語学習用(自己満ブログ₍ᐢ.ˬ.ᐡ₎ .ᐟ)




plant-based: 植物由来の

at least not: 少なくともそうではない

cordon blur: コルドン・ブルー(肉を薄く叩き、ハムやチーズで包み油であげた肉のカツレツ)

warship: 軍艦

cannon: 大砲

prefex: 接頭辞


Plant-based food can no longer have meat-based names in France. The french goverment have published a list of words such as 'staek' and 'ribs', that will not be allowed on lables for meat free products. Farmers in the country have argued that using words for non-meat producrts could confuse costmers. Similar measures are being discussed in other countries.



1, No more cordon blur: France prepares to ban vegetarian products from using meaty language.

Meaty can be used to describe food. If you are cooking or eating something meaty, then either it's actually meat, or it has a strong flavour of meat. Although this headline is playing with meaning of the word 'meaty', because the banned words could actually be used to describe actual meat, but 'meaty' language is what we are looking at.

And meaty has also these meaning complex or serious. They are often used to describe books and films. For example, John really like reading. He enjoys a goos, big novel, lots of difficult language in it, which could clever than me, because I don't really like reading anything meaty. I prefer just to look at the sports pages. That's good enough for me.


2, France Readies New Salvo Against Meat Substitutes Labeling

Salvo is originally a meaty term and means to fire all the guns at once. If you imagin an old warship and all of the cannons shott at the same time, you'll be easy to understand it. But we are learning a metaphorical meaning which is 'attack'. And here, it's a leagl attack, not a physical attack. The French goverments has tried in the past and is getting ready to try it again.

And also we can use the expression 'launch a salvo' to describe criticising someone. Last night, the neighbours in the flat above me were being really loud. So when I saw them this morning, I launched a salvo of angry words in their direction.


3,France reignites bid to ban use of words 'steak', 'spare ribs' for plant-based food

Reignite has a clue hiden in the word, and it's connected to fire. If you ignite a fire, you start a fire and that prefix 're' means 'again'. So 'reignite' means to start a fire again. And here, we're talking about a political campaign. We've already heard this isn't the first time that the French goverment has tried to ban these meat-related words, but they are doing it again. They're reignite it, they've started again.

And there are other things that you can reignite, For example, you're having an argument with somebody. it's finally calmed down. Then they say something really annoying and it reignites that argument again. But it doesn't have to be all negative . Because you can reignite your passion for something you love. For example, you used to go surfing and you've reignited your passion, you're going to start again.