invisible : 目に見えない
spectrum : スペクトラム、範囲
light spectrum : 発光スペクトラム
interference : インターフェア、妨害
satellite : 衛星、人工衛星
emit : (電波で)送る、放射する
form : 形
electromagnetic : 電磁気の、電磁石の
band : 帯
a range of : 様々な
wavelength : 波長
amplitude : 振幅
signal amplitide : 信号振幅
relay : 中継する
incoming : 入ってくる
preventable : 予防できる
overtime : 規定時間を越えて
in search of : 〜を探し求めて
blast : 打つ
drown out : 遮る、圧倒する
essentially : 本質的に
jammer : 妨害器
electronics : 電子工学
rogue : (コンピュータープログラム、機能などが)不正な
slow down : 速度が落ちる、動きが激しくなる
bandwidth : コンピューターの処理能力
vicious : 危険な、悪意のある
blot out : 覆い隠す
cosmos : 宇宙
supposedly : 恐らく
cutoff : 切断、遮断
the Very Large Array : 超大型干渉電波望遠遮断機
a sea of : 大量の、多数の
nowhere : どこにも〜ない
radio telescope : 電波望遠鏡
blanket : 覆う
uncover : 発見する
Putting our phones on airplane mode isn't to protect your flight. It's to protect everyone else in your flight path. Invisible signals are flying through the air all around you. These signals contain cell phone broadcasts is so strong. Cell phones connect to networks by emitting information in the form of electromagnetic waves. And phone on planes is very far from cell towers, so they work overtime to send the loudest signals they can in search of service. But since planes travel so quickly, the planes might find themselves much closer to a cell tower than expected -blasting it with a massive signal that drowns out those on the ground. This acting could create a vicious cycle that could eventually blot out the stars. So, this system is threatening our relationship with the cosmos. Without interference from routers, satellites, and people flying who haven't put their phones on a airplane mode, you might uncover the secrets of galaxies up to 96 billion light years away...?