elle's study blog

英語学習用(自己満ブログ₍ᐢ.ˬ.ᐡ₎ .ᐟ)

“Feed your brain”🕰6 Minute English

doughnut : ドーナツ

suger rush : 糖分による興奮、甘い物を食べた時の興奮(多福感)

excitement : 興奮していること

alter : 変える、変更する

mammal : 哺乳類

leafy greens : 緑の野菜

chuck : 投げる、締める

intelligent : 知的、理にかなった

cost a fortune : 莫大なお金がかかる

nutrient : 栄養素



suger rush - suddenly feeling excited or full energy after eating food containing a lot of suger

balanced diet - a diet combing the proper types and amounts of food needed to stay healthy

go low - have very little of a particular thing 

sharp - intelligent and quick to notice and react to things

(20 second / minutes)flat - used to to mean a certain about of time exactly, and to emphasise that something is done very quickly




What we eat alters our brain chemistry, changing our mood and emotions. For example, you eat a doughnut and get a suger rush. You got a strong feeling of excitement and energy, only to collapse an hour later with a headache. Our brain is working 24 hours a day, even while we sleep. And our brain uses 20% of the body's energy despite making up only 2% of our total weight.

Eating a variety of foods is good to stay healthy. If you eat very little of foods, your body wouldn't work well. Actually we shoud eat superfoods like avocado, Alaskan salmon, berries or walnuts, but they cost a fortune. For saving, it's good to cook a lot of foods at once and freeze them, then eat at later meals. We can cook quickly and get many more nutritions than normal microwave ready meals. So let's get healthy foods to work our brain well!