elle's study blog

英語学習用(自己満ブログ₍ᐢ.ˬ.ᐡ₎ .ᐟ)





fellow: 仲間、同僚

pave way: 〜のために道を開く、〜を容易にする

no one else: 他の誰一人として〜しない



laid foundation: 何か可能性を作ること

maveric: 他の誰一人として〜しない

spurred: 発生を奨励すること


The scientists whose research made some of the covid vaccines possible have won the Nobel Prize for medicine. Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissam's research means that something called mRA can be used to make vaccines. Kariko had previously been criticised by fellow academics who felt that her approach would not work.


1, Nobel Prize in medicine awarded to scientists who had laid foundation for messenger RNA vaccines.

This headline says that the Novel Prize in medicine has been awarded to the scientists who research led to the development of certain Covid vaccines. Laid Foundation isn't foundations something to do with building. There are other things that we can use the word 'foundation', and we use this idea that a foundation supports other things.

For example, when you're learning a language, if you know grammar very well, then that's a good foundation to learn the rest of the language. It supports learning the rest of the language. So the research that these scientists carried out,supported the development of the mRNA vaccines- it laid foundation for them.


2,Katalin Kariko, scientific maverick who paved way for mRNA vaccines

This headline is about one of the scientists, Katalin Kariko who paved the way- that means she made this vaccine possible. Maverick is to describe people who think and things that no one else would even think of doing. Katalin Kariko is being described as maverick here because originally, lots of other scientists didn't beleive that her approach would work.


3, Scientists who spurred development of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines win Nobel medicine Prize

We use this word 'spur' to mean that we encourage or make something happen. And we can also say that something spurs something on and that's a phrasal verb. For example, I've just been to India, and I had the most incredicle food and it's really spured me to try some new recipes or spurred mr on try some new recipes. In this headline, the research that these scientists did spurred on the development of new vaccines. They made it or encouraged it to happen.