elle's study blog

英語学習用(自己満ブログ₍ᐢ.ˬ.ᐡ₎ .ᐟ)





trickle : 増やすことのできる小さい物の総計

captives : 人や動物を捕えること

tipping point : 突然さらに悪くさせることが起きる危険な時



species : (動植物分類上の)種、種類

extinction : 絶滅

endanger : 〜を危険に晒す

biodiversity : 生物の多様性

flood : 殺到、氾濫

travel up : 〜を求めて

salamander : サンショウウオ

trap : 罠、罠で捕える

marine fish : 海産魚

inflation : 膨張、慢心、インフレーション

bi-by-bit : 少しずつ



There are more animals on the list of endangered species than ever before. Around 2,000 more creatures have been added to the Red List of Threatened species. The figures were announced at COP28, the annual international climate conference. Scientists say climate change is putting the planet in a biodiversity crisis.


1, Climate change : if warming approaches 2℃, a trickle of extinctions will become a flood

This headline says that if tenmpreatures increase by two degrees, there will be even more species that could become extinct. But we are looking at the word 'trickle'. A trickle is a very small flow of water. If you've got a bath and you turn the tap a tiny little way, you'll get a trickle of water coming out of the tap.But if you left that trickle alone for a very long time, the water would increase and flow over tha tap and the bathroom would food. It would become dangerous. So this headline is using 'trickle' metaphorically. As more species are added to the list of potential extinctions, and that's the trickle, it will become more dangerous for the planet- that is foold. And we often use the word 'trickle' metaphorically to talk about a small number of things or a little bit of something and it doesn't have to be a liquid, like in this headline.


2, 'Climate captives': The wins and losses of 2023's threatened species list

Captives is the plural form of 'captive'. A captive is something that's trapped. It can be a person or an animal. So this headline mentions climate captives. This means that these animals are literally trapped because of climate change. For example, rising sea shelves mean that salt water is travelling up rivers and that's trapping animals like frogs and salamanders. They have less space to live and that's why they're in danger.

In other words, these animals are literally trapped by climate change. They are alimate captives. And we can also use the word 'captive' for people. For example, if somebody is trapped or taken prisoner in a war.


3, A biodiversity tipping point as first marine fish extinction declared

This news story is also the list of threatend species. It says that the world is at a biodiversity tipping point. 'Tipping point' is that lots of small things keep happening until they reach a point where there's a big, significant change. It's usually negative. So this headline is saying about a critical time. We are at a tipping point where biodiversity is changing dramatically, and for the worse. 

And it's often used in negative situations like this news. You might see ever about inflation. That's prices have gone up bit-by-bit until it reaches a tipping point, which might be where people can't afford to buy basic things.







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