elle's study blog

英語学習用(自己満ブログ₍ᐢ.ˬ.ᐡ₎ .ᐟ)





to the end 最後まで

heart disease 心臓病

diabetes 糖尿病

mentally 精神的に

physically 肉体的に、精神的に

illness 病気

go away 病気などが治る、消える

backache 腰痛

acute 深刻な、急性の

tricky 扱いにくい、狡猾な

lung 肺

Do you prefer late night or early mornings? Night owls may be likely to develop heart disease and diabetes. Whereas, people who get up early burn fat for energy more easily. What is “Night owls” like? Ok, I would like to explain the meaning, and also introduce two new words in this topic.


1.Early bird or night owl? How your sleep cycle puts you of risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Owl is a kind of bird and they stay plate, all night, and they are very active at night. People who stay late like  “ Night owls” and also they are mentally or physically active at night. And, early bird which comes from the saying “the early bird catches the worm”. It means the people who get up early, and you can call them “an early riser” or “morning person”.


2.Night owls at high risk of certain chronic diseases, study says

The headline is saying that night owls are a higher risk of developing chronic diseases, and describes that a illness lasts for long time and doesn’t go away. For example, if I hurt my back in an accident and the pain lasts forever, I can say “ I have a chronic pain or chronic backache. “ Whereas sense of opposite word in medical is acute. For example, if you hurt your back, but you get better after a couple of weeks, That’s acute, not chronic pain. And “chronic” of pronunciation is a bit tricky. Normally when we see c-h, it’s pronounced “ch” like cheese. But here it’s “k”.


3.Night owls may be more prone to heart diseases and diabetes, study finds.

It means you are likey to be affected by something bad. For example,smokers are prone to lug disease, professional football players are prone to leg injuries. So the structure is prone to followed by something bad. And they describe certain negative types of behavior that people have in their personality. For example, we can say they are prone to lying, who is someone doesn’t tell truth a lot. Also someone that exaggerates a lot can be prone to exaggeration. But you can’t just create an adjective that by adding ahead of “prone”.



chronic が単純に「長期的に続く」だと思っていたら、まさか病的な意味で長期的に続くとは。笑

また、prone toの意味も「あるものによって悪い影響を受ける」だけだと思っていました。人柄を指す意味でも使われていたことまでは、聴き取れていませんでした😹
