elle's study blog

英語学習用(自己満ブログ₍ᐢ.ˬ.ᐡ₎ .ᐟ)



obesity 肥満

diabate 糖尿病

heart disease 心臓病

thinnner 薄い

assume 思い込む、引き受ける

be short for 〜の略である

higher blood 高血圧症


New study shows that caffeine links to reduce obesity, two diabetes and heart disease.


Fancy a : Britains love tea. We can say “Fancy a cuppa ?” Instead of “Do you want a cup of tea?”. “Fancy a” can be verb like this expression.


Turns out: It means result or outcome, and it’s short for it turns out that. When it’s a bit surprising things, which are positive or negative, we use the expression. For example, you took an exam, but you’d thought that you would have failed. And it turns out you have passed.


How come: It’s used that means why. Why is the risk of higher blood rescued by caffeine?


These expressions are informal and conversational English.



When I watched the News Review, I thought it was good for me. Because I always have coffee everyday and love it. So when I was a kindergarten student, I had have coffee with two spoonful of sugar in my grandmother’s home. Even though I was a very young child, I could have coffee! It might be bad for my body. But now I’m an adult, so I’m fine.

There are four reasons why I can’t survive without coffee. First, it smells good. I like to have coffee smelling the scent. I can enjoy the smell. It made me relax and happy. Second, when I have a headache due to low air pressure, I drink iced coffee. It turns out I can recover from a headache. It’s strange, but medicine instead of painkillers. Third, the power of caffeine can help me concentrated. When I study or work, I always have coffee. Actually, I can study anywhere like in my home, cafe, in the train, and a lot of more. But without coffee, I can’t do anything. So it’s existence which I must have coffee everyday.