elle's study blog

英語学習用(自己満ブログ₍ᐢ.ˬ.ᐡ₎ .ᐟ)

「ゴブリンモードとは?」トピックを使って英単語を学習♡ Day2




greedy 強欲な

shameless 図々しい、恥知らず

behavior 行動、振る舞い

creature  生物

a way of doing 〜する手段

mood 雰囲気、気分

climate crisis 気候危機

sum up 合計する

metaphorical 比喩的な

preposition 前置詞

fed up うんざりする、飽きている

grand 壮大な

unpleasant 不快な

embarrassing 恥ずかしくさせるもの



Goblin mode is lazy, greedy, selfish and shameless behavior. Goblin is a small, ugly, dangerous creature. And mode is a way of doing something.For example, working from home, wearing pajamas in bed. They didn't care about their appearance. It means a way of doing something in a kind of unpleasant. Now, I would like to introduce three new words in this topic.


1.goblin mode : new Oxford of the year speaks to the times.

Speaks to the time is a reflection of the mood of the people at the time. The time is current time, as they were.


2.Oxford's word of the year sums up exactly how over everything we all are.

Over is not used here as a preposition, it's actually adjective. People ware very quite at first, but they feel tired, bored about something now. Because it has been for long time. This word is used in spoken conversation. It's informal.


3.Oxford dictionary unveils 2022 word of the year "Goblin mode"

Unveil is metaphorical and it just needs to reveal or uncover. When something like new exhibition or a piece of art is uncovered, it's used.






