elle's study blog

英語学習用(自己満ブログ₍ᐢ.ˬ.ᐡ₎ .ᐟ)


flavanol フラバノール

harmful 有害な

infection 感染

sprit 生命、核


What you eat could improve your memory as age. According to new research in the US, people with a diet rich in flavonols might be less likely to lose their memory. The substance is found in tea, berries, apples and cacao- the seed that chocolate is made from. But while some scientists think eating more dark chocolate could help, others say more research is needed.


1.Six squares of dark chocolate a day ‘may keep the memory loss at bay

This headline suggests that eating dark chocolate can help prevent you from losing your memory as you get older. ‘Keep something at bay’ means to stop something bad or dangerous, harmful, from happening to you. It’s often related to health. We want to prevent memory loss, so we can say ‘keep memory loss at bay’. And we can express ‘washing your hands can keep infections at bay’ or ‘exercising can keep disease at bay’. And also it’s used ‘hold’ instead of ‘keep’, so we can use ‘hold something at bay’.


2.Tea,apples and berries could stave off age-related memory loss,study suggests

This headline suggests that preventing bad from happening to us. ‘Stave off’ just means to prevent something bad from happening. It’s used to mean preventing other general negative with health. For example, drinking orange juice can save off a cold.


3.Diet low in flavanols may drive age-related memory loss, scientists claim

This headline is looking at the same story, but from the opposite angle. It’s saying that a diet low in flavanols, that’s that substance that you find in apples, berries, tea and cacao, a diet low in that, could cause memory loss. ‘Drive’ in here means to force something in a certain direction. So the headline says that a diet, low in flavanols, drives memory loss. That’s means that diet pushed in the direction of memory loss.