elle's study blog

英語学習用(自己満ブログ₍ᐢ.ˬ.ᐡ₎ .ᐟ)







According to a new study into expectancy by the University of Georgia, Human alive today could live to 140. The researchers say people are living longer because of modern medicine, better public health and a safer world. But many are concerned about the effects of an aging population.


1, Human born after 1940 have a 50/50 chance of living until 125, scientists claim

50/50 means 50%. There is a 50 % chance that something happened or a 50% chance that something else happened. This headline suggests that if you were born after 1940, there is a 50% chance that you live until 125. For example, you studied vey hard for the exam, but it was quite hard. So you think you had a 50/50 chance of passing. That means that there was a 50% chance you passed but also a 50% chance you failed. Or you’re invited to a party, you really want to attend, but you have a headache. So you say there’s a 50/50 chance that you’ll go.

2, GOLDEN OLDIES people could live to be 140 before the century is over in 19 countries including the UK

There’s two parts to this phrase and I know them both, ‘golden’ and ‘old’. ‘Golden Oldies’ is someone who is old, but still doing well. In this headline, it’s talking about people living a very long life. But we also use it to talk about people who are successful or healthy in old age. ‘Golden’ means good, but ‘oldie’ isn’t a bit offensive, because it would be rude to call someone an oldie but ‘Golden oldie’ is a lot more friendly. It’s used for people who are respected, and also we can use it for a song or a film. For example, Star Wars is quite old, but it’s still really well known and popular today.

3, Our planet groans, and you want to live to 150? And go planet-hopping?

Why is the planet groaning? The planet wouldn’t be happy if there were even more people on it. ‘Groan’ is too much on something. For example, if you put too much food on a table, it might groan but this is metaphorical, it’s not actually making noise. When people are not happy, they literally groan. For example, I groaned this morning when my alarm went off. It was too early. Or I groaned because my train was late, again.