elle's study blog

英語学習用(自己満ブログ₍ᐢ.ˬ.ᐡ₎ .ᐟ)

「香りの力」6 Minute English





deliberately 故意に

ordonant 臭い

trigger きっかけ、引き金

catalyst 誘因

revive 復活する

mossy 苔むした

put across 上手く伝える

mess with (感情を)弄ぶ

give off 出す、発する

recap 要約する

aftershave 髭剃りの後の


The scent of power- it enables people to link their memories. When you smell something, it will a trigger or a catalyst to remind your past. For example, when I stayed in UK, I bought a perfume and put it on my Shikine. And now, when I smell the perfume, I remind my having stayed in UK. The scent  can convey something message to people without literatures. And it mess with people’s feeling. Does the scent combine with memories, doesn’t it? I think the scent of power is so strong. So I love perfume because those who buy them have each stories. By the way, perfume is a big business. In Uk, it  is consumed £1.3billion in a year. It might be necessary for people to live.