elle's study blog

英語学習用(自己満ブログ₍ᐢ.ˬ.ᐡ₎ .ᐟ)



so-called 〜と呼ばれて、いわゆる

conventional 従来の

oxytocin オキシトシン、子宮収縮ホルモン

incredible 信じられない

prefix 接頭辞、 前につける

literately 文字通りに、本当に


Decades of research suggested that the so-called ‘love hormone’ oxytocin was linked to love and friendship. But new study says that this hormone might not be necessary for social relationship after all. Now I would like to introduce three new words in this topic.



1.’Mind-browing’ study upends conventional wisdom on oxytocin

Mind-browning means incredible. An incredible new study will change the way that we think about oxytocin. But I’m looking at the word ‘upends’, which means change completely or dramatically. It’s made up of ‘up’ and ‘end’. So imagine that you have a mug. If you upend it, then the water or coffee might come out. So new study says change oxytocin completely or upend. And also we use it a lot of situations. If we think about Covid, it really upended everyone’s plans for a few years.


2.Oxytocin’s Reputation as ‘Love Hormone’ Might be overrated.

Overacted means that something is not as good as people think. This headline is saying that the idea, which is oxytocin as love hormone might not be as accurate as people think. Overrated is also used a lot of situations. For example, you don’t think those who like music, book and movie. These are overrated. In the other hand, there is the word ‘underrated’, which means that people don’t realize how good something is.


3.’Love hormone’? Not so fast, new study suggests

Not so fast means people shouldn’t make a decision too quickly or that maybe things are a bit more complicated than you think. Four example, teenagers say to their parents, “I’m going out.’ Then they’re said, “Not so fast. You haven’t finished your homework yet.” And also there are expressions that have similar meaning. They are ‘hold on sec’, ‘wait a minute’ and ‘hang on’.


BBC learning Englishがspotifyでも聴けることを今日初めて知りました。
