elle's study blog

英語学習用(自己満ブログ₍ᐢ.ˬ.ᐡ₎ .ᐟ)



sheld 盾、保護物、保護する

fill it 埋める

eat away 侵食する、減らす、落とす

a long way off 遠く離れて

socket ソケット、差し込み

ferocious animal 猛獣


The hole in the ozone layer is getting smaller. Back in the 1980s, countries agreed to stop producing the chemicals that damage the atmosphere’s protective shield. Now, the UN predicts the ozone layer will return to its 1980 level by 2066. Today,  I would like to introduce three new words- on track,plugged,chomping.


1.Earths protective ozone layer on track to recover by 2066

2066 seems a long way off, but the Earth’s ozone layer should have recovered by then, but we are looking at the expression ‘on track’. What is ‘track’? Imagine about a car in a race. The place where it drives that’s a track. And if the car is in a race, then there’s only one direction. It goes in and we know where its going to end up. It’s on track. And if a thing is on track, then that means it’s going to process as we planned and it’s likely to be a success, but it hasn’t happened yet. So in this headline, it’s saying that if nothing changes, if everything carries on the way that it is now, then he Earth’s ozone layer - this protective shield- will have recovered by 2066. But we’re not there yet. On track and ‘on course’ are similar. For example, if you’re watching this program, you’re probably on track or on course to improve your English.


2.Ozone layer : how the hole was plugged

I know ‘plug’ as a noun which is a thing and I have one I my bath. A plug is the plastic or rubber thing that you put in a bath or in a sink and it stops the water getting out. But here we are not talking about hole in the bath- it’s a hole in the ozone layer and we are filling it, or plugging it to use the verb, with more ozone - that’s a gas. It can used metaphorically. And when you want to find something new out, sometimes that can plug a hole in your knowledge. And we also have electrical plugs -now you put these into a hole in the wall- a socket - or into an electronic device. We use plug to mean connect have. For example, if you keep watching us two, we’ll keep you plugged in to all the latest news.


3.United Nations Scientific assessment finds zone layer is healing, 35 years after world stopped producing Chomping chemicals

If you chomp something, it means you bite it but you bite it really hard or or really enthusiastically, and often quite noisily. Chomp is used metaphorically in his headline to talk about the chemicals that are eating away at the ozone layer. Now, it’s quite an unusual use of it, but t definitely grabs your attention. So imagine a dinosaur or a ferocious animal, and if they bite through something, we could say it just chomped right through it. And we can also use it to say that someone is eating a lot. For example, I was really hungry, I had a very big breakfast, but I chomped my way though it.



約2ヶ月BBC News Reviewを勉強してきましたが、少し飽きてきたこともあり、違うコンテンツを探してみようかなと思っている日々でございます🥺
