elle's study blog

英語学習用(自己満ブログ₍ᐢ.ˬ.ᐡ₎ .ᐟ)

「あなたは嫉妬深い?」6 Minute English


Jealousy occurs when you fear you’ll lose your partner to someone or something else. Humans have struggled with jealousy for thousand of years. “Green-eyed monster” is often used to personify jealousy. It comes from a speech in one of William Shakespeare’s plays Othello. He was so jealous that he killed his wife and himself. Thus, jealousy can break our relationship. Sometimes it’s the motivation for murder.

Jealousy often occurs among you, your romantic partner, and something or something else. When your significant other forms new relationships or flirts with others, you may feel threatened. And there is a similar word ‘envy’. It means you covet something or someone has like fame, position or good-looks. If jealousy escalates into a bigger issue, you may try to control your partner by checking e-mail or monitoring their behaviors. Jealousy can’t be cured with pills, but therapy may help you improve your thinking.


In my opinion, there has been a time when everyone has felt jealousy. Does it come from dependence, loneliness and possessiveness? I think we should always be interested in new things like our hobbies or studies, and accept loneliness within ourselves. We also shouldn’t expect too much from other people. They may not be easy. But if we do these actions, we can control jealousy and feel more comfortable!