elle's study blog

英語学習用(自己満ブログ₍ᐢ.ˬ.ᐡ₎ .ᐟ)







The law changed hat we don’t need to wear a mask. But many people don’t like uncover their face. So recently the program which relearn how to smile has been taken place in japan. Now, I explain three new words using this topic.


1.Grin and bare it: as mask mandates end Japan turns to tutors to relearn to smile

This headline is about the end of mask wearing rules in Japan. But I’m looking at a word ‘grin’. ‘Grin’ is a type of smile, which is big smile like from ear to ear. Also we can use a kind smile when we had done something wrong like cheeky children. And this headline use the expression ‘grin and bear it’ which means remain positive when something bad is happening’. But there is a bit different here. Normally the expression is ‘bear’ which means to ‘deal with something’. But here the expression is ‘bare’ which means ‘not covered’. So the writer is making a joke about going barefaced - not having a mask on your face.


2.’Smile practice seminars’ popular in Japan as country ditches masks’

This headline says about the ending of rules in Japan about wearing masks after Covid. We use ‘ditch’ as a verb, and ‘to ditch something’ is to throw it away’. For example, if you don’t need something any more, you ditch it. And it’s not just used for things, so you can use it for ideas. For example, you can ditch an idea if you think it’s a bad one or you can ditch plans if they’re not going to work. I ditched my travel lans during the Covid pandemic. And also we can even ditch people. So if we talk about ending a relationship, you can say your girlfriend or boyfriend. It doesn’t sound very nice, but we use it.


3.Remembering how to smile? Japan training sessions help prepare for life after masks

‘Life after masks’ refers how life will change for people in Japan when they stop wearing masks. And we use this a lot when they stop wearing masks. And we use this a lot when we’re talking about the future, for example: students have to prepare for life after university, or a celebrity, a famous person, has to think about life after fame when they’re not famous any more.






