elle's study blog

英語学習用(自己満ブログ₍ᐢ.ˬ.ᐡ₎ .ᐟ)

Harry Potter -Mahoudokoro-


心理テスト psychological test

楽しませる entertain

ちなみに by the way

舞台 stage

〜が得意 good at doing

巨大な huge

階段 stairway(階段と通路が繋がるもの)

階段を上る go up

   ⇄階段を降りる go down

〜行き bound for

訛り accent




ホグワーツ hogwarts

ハーマイオニー・グレンジャー Hermyonie Granger

ドラコ・マルフォイ Drago Malfoy 

シリウス・ブラック Sirius Black

ハグリッド Hagrid

ヘドウィグ Hedwig

魔法学校 wizardry school

クディッチ Quidditch

逆転時計 Time-Turner

アズカバンの囚人 Harry Potter and the prisoner of the Azkaban

グリフィンドール Gryffindor

スリザリン Slytherin

レイブンクロー Revenclaw

ハッフルパフ Hufflepuff

9と4分の3番線 platform nine and three-quarters

百味ビーンズ Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans

(King's Cross station, in 2017)


Suddenly,I became a fan of Harry Potter in November 2022. Because I watched Which house in Hogwarts are you sorted?that is Kevins English Room on YouTube channel.



And I tried a question like a psychological test to sort house. The result was Slytherin...!🐍In fact,I hadnt known the story well,so I decided to watch the movies studying British accent. Movies ordinarily take almost two hours,doesnt it? I feel long time and get bored. So I dont like watching movies. But Harry Potter is different from the others. Not being bored,I watched all series for a month! Harry Potter is fascinating and entertaining. By the way,my favorite characters are Hermyonie Granger,Drago Malfoy and Sirius Black.


I got an information. The thing is Harry Potters store is opened in Akasaka,Tokyo.The stage Harry Potters next story is played by Japanese famous actors and it runs a restaurant and a souvenir shop beside the theater. The name of the shop is Mahoudokoro. In Harry Potter s world,therere eight wizardry schools in all the world including Hogwarts in UK. And the name of Japanese wizardry school is Mahoudokoro. Mahoudokoro is the oldest school in the world and good at playing Quiddich.


When I existed the ticket gate in the station,I heard Harry Potter s music and saw a large stairway and the Time-Turner. The Time-Turner is a key item,which was used by Hermyonie in Harry Potter and the prisoner of the  Azkaban. Going up the stairway,I could see four big banner.

From the left,those are Gryffindor,Revenclaw,Hufflepuff and Slytherin.


And this is a restaurant. I thought a red wall and the structure was the very British. I didnt go there,but its popular to need a reservation before visiting.

This is a souvenir shop. Hedwig....pretty! And there were many goods in the store.


This creature is the entrance of platform nine and three-quarters. If I were a wizard,I might get on the express train which is bound for Hogwarts.


I bought Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans,but I couldnt eat only two. Because I ate a vomit flavor. It was so gross and bad. Since then,I have never eaten it.


Since I watched movies,Im a fan of Harry Potter. So next,Ill try to read the novel of Harry Potter s next series Harry Potter and the Cursed Child . And I have not read the original novel. If I have a time,I will want to read. In fact,I thought to read the original novels in English,not watch movies. But I had known that the novels used unique many wizardry words and Hagrids accent was so difficult,so I gave up. If I can understand English better than now,I will read the original novels in English.





